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Every time we do something for the first time it can include failures. That is a part of the process, part of the success and a part of learning. What would we be if we do not learn? 

As kids we hear the word “No” and we hear it a lot of times. In that age we don’t know exactly what “No” means. We just look at someone and perceive with our senses. They look very specific, a little hard in the facial expression maybe and they say “No!!”. With time we understand that “No” means “Hmmm it is something I should maybe not do”.


When we are teenagers, we hear that word “No” again. This time we know what it means. Now, we think we know what we want and what we will do. So if you say “No” and I say “Yes”,  I do it anyway. Right?

It is not weird that our mind and knowledge about the strength in that word “No” gets confused. Maybe that confusion is the reason why we have such difficulties saying the word “No” in our life.

For what does it mean and what is the consequences? We have felt it from both sides during our life and never really learned to respect that word.  No even for us self or when others say no.

I have never said no in my life. Especially not in bigger things in life. I have always been said “yes” and “yes of course it will be fine, I will fix it” In work life, private life and in relations.

Stop and wait a moment. “There is a first time for everything”. I said NO to my steady gig to take a risk and chase, fight for and catch my dream.

My work is my whole life. Most of the times I will do whatever to please my job. Until that day where I saw clearly what I am cable of and what my purpose is. Most importantly where I see myself in the future. If I was not placed in that vision – I knew it was the first, perfect and important time to say NO.

I’m telling you, if you have a dream, goals and visions clear in your mind and just want to go for it, then you should start with saying your first big “NO”. You often must close a door to open another.

Surprise!! This is the same if your dream is to travel.  JUST GO! There is a first time for everything. Even for you who’s always secretly dreaming about packing your suitcase and just go exploring what the world has to offer.

PS. Be prepared! After your first “No” there will be more “No’s” to say. Especially if you go for your dream. If it’s for traveling, starting a business or using extra time on a hobby project you will have to say “No” to your work for a while. The same “No” goes for your family. You will have to invest your time in your plan and you will maybe not be part of some family dinners, weddings etc. In that powerful moment when you are going for your dream and made space for it with your “No” – You decided to invest in yourself.

PPS. Not everyone will love or like when you say “No”. Most of the people around you and surrounding you will not support you. Some people will move away from or out of your life. When you catch your dream – they will have respect for you, probably from a distance. But hey, there is a first time for everything for them as well.